Understanding Central Billing

IRC is a service company established to provide services to Buying Groups and Franchises to improve their individual profitability. Without having to sacrifice their unique identity, business style, brand, or culture.

Members of IRC family enjoy the leverage of wide-reaching scales of economy, impacting on sales, margins, non-trading costs, and business productivity. To survive in today’s increasingly competitive market, specialist retailers are constantly searching for the edge that will make the difference between a successful, expanding business and one that struggles to remain profitable.

We work closely with suppliers and service providers on a genuine "support for support" basis, assisting retailers in the vital "independents" channels to develop and grow… through increased sales, improved margins, lower costs, and the sharing of ideas and expertise that goes hand in hand with the comfort of group membership.

Central Billing Explained

The Central Billing Process – One Billing Software Licence

The principal of central billing is to make one monthly payment for all members of the buying group for all goods purchased by every member for every supplier. Collection of all payments, management of all invoices, management of disputes, credits, payment terms, records, reconciliation of accounts, discounts and rebates, reports, and all the statutory accounting procedures legally required. 

IRC are the sole owners of our proprietary One Billing solution for all your central billing needs – this can be licensed annually to support your business and improve your profitability and service levels.

Benefits to Members

Benefits to Supply Partners

The Independent Retail Collective are independent retail specialists. Trust in our expertise, so you can focus on yours.

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